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cAR aIR conditioning nitrogen LEAK TEST

Here at Staykool we specialise in car air conditioning leak test using the latest leak detection equipment and can locate over 95% of car aircon leaks.


We using the following protocol to find the smallest of car air con leaks:

  • Pressurize System with Oxygen Free Nitrogen to high pressure.

  • Spray Bubble Solution over condenser, pipes and seals.

  • Listen with Ultrasonic Leak Detector.

  • Visually check for bubble formation to see precisely and show customer location of leak.

  • Inspect under UV light to locate any leaks visible if UV dye has previously been added (We put this is all cars when serviced)

  • Finally we put Nitro-Trace (Mixture of Hydrogen and Nitrogen) and use sensitive hydrogen detector to locate any hard to find leaks.

We get sent lots of work from garages in Derby just to locate car air conditioning leaks that their machines can not detect.

Most garages use automatic air conditioning machines that only detect large leaks when under the vacuum test, these only pull a negative pressure of around -15psi and only show large leaks and will not pinpoint the location. We carry our each procedure manually and pressurize over 150psi to positive pressure therefore locating most leaks within minuets. 

Book Now for a Diagnostics Test which only costs £35 and if it is a small leak we can fix with Extreme Leak Additive which uses microscopic Teflon discs to fix leaks up to 0.3mm in size. 

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